Splash Screen
New Addition
Today's Best Statuses
Interstitial Ad
Photo Editor
Save & Share Dialog
Add Your Own Status
My Post
Pending Post
My Pending
Exit App

Project information

  • Name: Urdu Status
  • Category: Android
  • Language: Java
  • Database: Firebase Auth and realtime database

Urdu Status app is an online when you open this first you will see a splash screen then you'll be redirect to main screen where you will see menu of urdu status names udas, ishq, intezar, mohabbat etc. If you click one of them the category screen will be open where you'll see status about the clicked menu. There are four icons below every status heart, copy, download & share. If you click heart icon the status will be add to favourite screen, if you click copy icon status will be add to copy clip board, if you click download icon it will open another screen where the status will be written on an image and you can edit that status and also can change image and also you can download the status & if you click share icon then the social media apps will be visible and you can share the status to social media. You can add your own status too.