Splash Screen
User Sign Up
User Sign In
User Map
User Place Order
User Order Will Be Process Soon
User Order Approved
Admin Sign Up
Admin Login
Admin Client Orders Dialog
Admin Client Orders
Admin Client Orders History

Project information

  • Name: Online Saloon
  • Category: Android
  • Language: Java
  • Database: Firebase Auth and realtime database

This is an online android app having two sides user & admin sides. First the user and admin create their accounts then they will need to sign in to access the uses of app. When user create account and login successful the map screen will appear to the user where user will see all the near by saloons so the user can place order to any saloon availble near to the user then the user will wait till the admin accept the order of that user. The order placed by user will be shown to admin in a dialog where admin can accept or decline the order of clients. When dialog closed the clients orders screen will appear to admin where two buttons are available with order one is completed and other is payment paid button if admin press the completed button it means order has been delivered successfully and the order will be add to history screen.